I've always thought it best to live in the now. "We find ourselves at the center of two eternities," I once read, "the past, and the future." Living in either one is wasted time I think. Sure it's nice to reminisce on the good ol days and relive what once was. Sure it's nice to think about the future and what it might bring. I think both of those thoughts are healthy and worthwhile. It's when we begin to long for the past, or want it back; and it's when we begin to question the future and what it might take or bring that gets us. That shift is when and where our outlooks can change and our attitudes along with it. That's where we can find ourselves "in a rut." We begin to focus too much on the future, and with that, worry about where it might bring us. I've always thought that worry was wasted energy as well. To me, if you can change something, why worry about it? And if you can't change something, why worry about it? I know it's not always that simple, but the theme is still relevant in most situations. What I'm trying to say is that worry can put us in that rut. The combination of that worry and the shifted focus on our feelings about the past and/or future is sure to do us in. It's an easy place to go and a slippery slope once we go there. Soon enough we find ourselves worrying about every small thing. What to eat for dinner, when to do our laundry, what to do for fun, if we should spend this money, when do we have to pay rent, and on and on and on. I get it. Life's tough. It throws a lot our way. We gotta remind ourselves that we can hack it. There isn't anything that God can throw our way that He doesn't think we're ready for or can handle. We're a lot tougher than we think. Even those that know they are tough, you're even tougher! If you needed one, this is your reminder that better days are ahead! Yes! I know that we are in a pandemic! I know everything seems to be shut down! I know life is not normal right now! I know people are divided over politics, that families are divided over how they have chose to live their lives during these trying times. But I also have faith and know that it will be back to "normal" one day. It will get back to how it was, and maybe, hopefully, even better. It always does. Back to how I started this post, time keeps marching on. It stops for no one. It's cliche, but the bad times make the good times better. Sometimes we have to go through the shit to get to the good stuff. Sometimes we have to go through the shit twice and once more for good measure even. Experiencing the lows is what allows us to experience the highs. Without them, well, we'd be in a rut!
Part of getting out of the rut is first realizing that we're in one. Then we can start consciously making the choices we need to make in order to get out of it. It can start with getting up a little earlier, making a better breakfast, staying at the gym an extra ten minutes to meditate, or going to the gym in the first place, reading a book, finishing something you started, calling up an old friend, or just tying up the "loose ends" in your life. It's important to take care of yourself, that's where it starts. Take care of yourself so that you can better take care of others- there's a lot of joy, beauty, and fulfillment in that as well. Serving others always brings good feelings my way. And if you're a believer at all in karma, there is such a thing as good karma as well.
With the New Year coming, more openings happening, and the vaccine becoming more and more available, I think now is a good time to start to lean into some healthy habits and develop a better self. For me, it will look a little different this year, and I encourage you to join me. There's this guy that has been an important figure in my life, he doesn't know who I am, but nonetheless he's been important. I was first introduced to him and his ideas by a baseball coach I once had in high school. His name is Jon Gordon and he's an author and a speaker. He covers all sorts of things like teamwork, culture, and leadership. For ten years now he has been doing what he calls the "One-Word Challenge." It's simple. Each New Year he picks a word for the year. He says this word should give you purpose, passion, and a mission. It is just one word that should help you be your best self and "create a great year." For example, he has chosen words like Forgive, Heart, Expand, and Serve. Those are just some.
Now, if you know me, you know that I am not a big fan of New Years Resolutions. I think they're silly. To be frank- I think that the idea of needing a certain date on a calendar to be the deciding time on when we should start bettering ourselves is trash. Start now, duh!? Why wouldn't you!? And don't those resolutions have some crazy statistic saying that like 50% of all "resolutioners"give up before the end of January? Anyway, maybe this year, instead of sticking to that new resolution of yours, or even better yet- in addition to that resolution, you pick a word with me. What will yours be? I've got a good idea on mine, and I'll be sharing it in my next post. Here's to the New Year and round two of the Roaring 20s! May the year of 2021 bring you everything you want and more!
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