
My most recent posts:

Holy Smokes

Sheesh, it's been over a year since I've posted anything here. That is uhhh, not like me. It's not that I don't or didn't have anything to say, I have plenty of thoughts still ramblin' around in my head. I even wrote some out, but they never quite made it to publication, as you can tell. But I came back here today to very briefly describe some events that I believe changed the course of my life. Shook me to my very core. Cheesy and dramatic, I know. But that's the truth. For some, it might come off as nutty, and for some it may make perfect sense. The vulnerability that comes with writing subjects writers to an immense amount of judgement and to that I say, "whateva." People can either take you as you are, or they can go about their way. "Those who mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind." These things changed my life, and continue to make me the man that I am. So shit, I'm gonna write about it!  A little over a ye...

A Well-Seasoned Life

Bet On Yourself

I Wonder Where I’ll Sleep Tonight

More Than Words

To Hell with a Resolution, What's Your One Word?

What We Don't Do

Bedtime Thoughts

First Fire and a Coincidence

Off the Grid

The Hot Seat and Social Media

Beautiful People and "Ought To's"

In A Rut, and One Word

A Few Life Lessons